Final meeting!

  • Today is our last class ? and we’re meeting in Trillium ?
  • We’ll hear briefly about your papers and reflect on some of the things you’ve learned in these last six weeks.
  • You’ll complete evaluations for the course and one of you will deliver them to Ms. Jen Janke in Rockefeller Hall.

Work day

Conferences tomorrow: schedule.

Today you are working on your drafts toward the final project. If you’d like to discuss your work, let me know and we can either do that here or in another space. Keep at it! Almost there!


Front matter

  • Today and tomorrow we are talking about building your drafts by understanding the relationship between synthesis and developing a central idea or thesis.
  • Thursday we have our final conferences, we will focus on a complete draft of your final project. On Friday you’ll share your final project with everyone.
Continue reading “Syn/thesis”

Collecting sources

Front matter

  • Yesterday we conferenced about your final project proposals. You were to revise them for today. Let’s take a moment to share these in class. Although I will pull up your blog so we can see your revision, take a moment to look at it now and jot down some informal notes about the gist of your project, especially your strategy, examples or cases, and what you’re hoping to learn from it. Then, try to talk about your project without looking at any texts.
  • Today you’ll learn about how to use effective search strategies and be introduced to 2 helpful tools for collecting sources and reading.
Continue reading “Collecting sources”